Beliefs, values, standards of beauty, social structures, and the minutia of daily life can all be gleaned from the careful examination of visual imagery created by artists in a given society. These figurative representations tell the story of a group of people. But what about the secret stories that are buried within us all?  What if those secrets were laid bare for all to see? What if the artist’s goal was to reveal the inner thoughts of that society, instead of simply depicting the outward facade?

Revealed, here, are the secrets of Liberty University. The University is a society of sorts, comprised of a group of people who share a common belief system and live in community with one another. This project aims to reveal the secrets of this society in a more literal way by presenting them in typographic form and displaying them as an interactive installation. Participants are encouraged to “uncover" the secret stories that intimately shape the peers and colleagues around them.
What is the outcome of this project? Perhaps we, as a society, will gain greater empathy for the inner struggles of our fellow humans?  Maybe there will be increased transparency with our most trusted friends? Or, perhaps, participants who contributed secrets for the sake of this project will feel a sense of relief at having their secrets laid bare. Do you have a secret that you need to let go of? Do you have a secret that you are ready to lay bare? If so, let us know #secretsofsociety
More often than not, people hide who they are, whether its an experience, a mistake or just something interesting about them for fear of being judged. With this instillation, I gave people from Liberty University the opportunity to secretly reveal what they would normally keep hidden from the world. This video shows the process of creating this instillation.
Footage by: Jazmin Quaynor
Photography by: Audra Lynne Creative
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