To envy is to be discontented or resentful of another’s qualities or possessions. It is to desire what another person has. However, I believe we can also be envious of ourselves. As an artist, I often long for the creativity I once had as a child. While as a child I longed for the freedom that I would have when I turned 18. For this project, I chose to address that envy through letters. One is written to my older self from my perspective as a child and the other is written to my younger self from my perspective now.
The small publication containing the two letters is split in half. The first half contains photos of when I was a child along with the letter to my older self. The second half contains the letter to my younger self and photos of me now. The photos in the second half were staged to recreate the photos of me as a child. The two sections are separated by a reflective paper to act as a mirror and accompany the poem “Who am I?” I have utilized greens with black and white as the overall color scheme to insinuate the tone of envy throughout.
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